World Malaria Awareness Day is celebrated on the 30 April in Australia.
It is an important date on the RAM calendar and Rotarians are encouraged to raise awareness by some form of celebration.
This may be done by fundraising at District and Club level ensuring that all Rotary Members and Public are involved.
To get involved and for more information contact your Divisional RAM Chairperson.
“Malaria is a preventable and curable but life threatening disease. In 2015, 91 countries and areas had ongoing malaria transmission. The World Health Organisation reported that there were 212 million cases of malaria, and
429 000 deaths in 2015. 71% of all deaths, an estimated 303 000, were children under 5 years of age. Between 2010 and 2015, the malaria mortality rate among children under 5 fell by an estimated 35%, but malaria still claims the life of 1 child every 2 minutes…”
Donations can be made online here.  A tax receipt will be emailed to you. RAM gratefully welcomes all donations.
Follow the link to read more .....

$10 buys a bed net to protect a family

RAM is a project of Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS). Project no. 32/201011
The RAWCS managed Australian Overseas Aid Fund has Tax Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) registration and is listed as a Charitable Fund.  RAM can accept tax deductible donations from individuals and companies. For more information visit RAM's website or via the RAWCS website and click on the RAM icon.
Please refer to our latest Malaria Awareness Day Brochure (below) with up to date information and details of donation options.
The Malaria Vaccine Development Project at Griffith University
Contributions can also be made to fund the Research at the Griffith University. Each donation of $500 will be matched by Members of District 9670 Steve and Doreen Carroll who are passionate workers committed to eliminating malaria, therefore the reason for this very generous challenge to each Club and District.
When meeting this challenge please ensure the Donation is clearly identified for the Malaria Vaccine Research.
Nationwide Australian Rotaractors  Against  Malaria
It is pleasing to report the support shown by our National Rotaractors with fundraising to the RAM Program and in particular the recognition of M.A.D.

We urge you to make the 2017 Malaria Awareness Day a very special one.