Thank you to Alan who chaired the meeting.
President Bernie welcomed visitors: Ross Waugh was visiting from the Rotary Club of North Sydney which is celebrating 90 years this year; Charmaine Wheatley who is a member of the Rotary  E-Club of South Africa One who helped organise the Ocean Crusaders Paddle for Polio at Currimundi Lake.  Thanks to Rob, Judy, Anna, Graham and Deb for supporting Charmaine at this event. 
Bernie said there were about 11 visitors at Opal to see Norm and he was thrilled to see everyone.  She encouraged members to join the roster to sell Melbourne Cup raffle tickets and also to come along to the Melbourne Cup lunch next week.  There is no breakfast next week due to the lunch.
Cath introduced Jacqui Deane, our guest speaker from the STEMM Program (Supporting Teenagers with Education, Mothering and Mentoring) and her husband Craig.  Jacqui is the daughter of Lyn and Lexley Roberts who came along to support Jacqui.
But before Jacqui’s presentation, Bernie presented Lyn with a certificate for 30 years Rotary Service and an annual bursary for the STEMM program.
Lyn was very grateful and thanked the club. Lexley said many members helped with the fundraising to get STEMM going and they really appreciate all that wonderful support.  
Jacqui said thank you to our club as it has been instrumental in keeping STEMM going.  “We couldn’t do it without the club” she said.
“Education is the key and there are 28 teenagers and young women aged 13-21 in the program.  By educating a mother you educate a community”, Jacqui said.
Jacqui is a maths teacher and when pregnant with her third child, there was a teenage student who was pregnant at the same time and while Jacqui was being congratulated, the student’s pregnancy was being condemned.  Ten years ago, the female principal at Burnside school welcomed the idea of educating teenage mothers and the STEMM program was born.  Jacqui’s maths class turned into a creche. 
It is important understand that for students with issues at home relating to drugs and sexual abuse, school is their safe place.  Often they fall pregnant to have someone to love.
They can do Cert III in Children’s Services and they can book the child into the centre where they work.  They can do a Cert III in Beauty and can set up a beauty business and work from home.
The STEMM students are taught about mothering for example, toddler attachment theory to understand that the toddlers are not rejecting them.
The youngest STEMM student was a 13 year old who fell pregnant and wanted to be a lawyer.  She did the TPP bridging course and is studying towards becoming a lawyer.  She is now 20 and her boy is 7 years old.
Ron is making purple penny slouch hat badges for Rememberance Day.  The purple represents the animals in war and would encourage people to purchase a badge for $10 each.
Merv gave the Sergeant’s Session and told us about the raffle stapling session at Gordon’s house.  Judy brought along aloe vera and other plants to give away.
We had a game of two-up and Charmaine won with the unusual two heads in a row.
For those that missed the write-up of our 23 October meeting, the meeting notes may be viewed here