Around the world, 25 April is declared as World Malaria Day.  Here in Australia, because of Anzac Day, this day has been moved to 30 April
It is a time to reflect on the impact of malaria upon the world and the progress we are making in fighting and controlling it in our countries of focus, namely Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Timor Leste. 
A recent development is Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM) has facilitated discussions between Timor Leste and representatives from the malaria program in Indonesian West Timor (NTT Province) on cross border collaborative programs to achieve malaria free status for the whole island of Timor.
The battle against malaria continues to be waged on many fronts.  We should be very proud that Australia is at the forefront of world research in developing new anti-malarial treatments and in seeking to find a suitable long lasting, cheap and easy to administer vaccine.  Discovering such a vaccine is imperative because the malaria parasite transferred by an infected mosquito is developing increasing resistance to sprays and drugs.
RAM works closely with a number of leading malaria research institutions.  One example is the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute where researchers at the Institute have discovered a way to stop the malaria parasite invading healthy red blood cells thereby stopping malaria infection.  Another project Rotary financially supports is the “PlasProtect” Vaccine which is under development at Griffith University, Queensland.  Malaria parasites that are grown in their laboratory under strictly controlled conditions, are treated so they can no longer replicate or cause infection.  The Malaria Vaccine Project instigated to support the research program has reached its $500,000 target and human clinical trials have begun in a non-endemic country – Australia.
Malaria Awareness Day is a very important day in the RAM Calendar for it is a great opportunity to promote community understanding of the global campaign to eradicate malaria by 2040.  It is also a chance to highlight the outstanding contribution RAM has made in the last 24 years, supporting in a number of ways the local health authorities in our areas of focus.
Over the years RAM has initiated numerous effective malaria elimination programs in these countries and has also given substantial financial assistance, both approaches having led to wonderful progress being made.
Please consider your Club holding a special event to recognise Malaria Awareness Day. There are MAD flyers and RAM brochures available to support your function/event/activity. If you wish to receive any or would like some ideas for activities, please contact your District RAM Chair.