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Download the Projects Map includes other road improvement plans in the immediate area to 2036 (Attach1.Caloundra-CBD-Access-Memorandum-of-Understanding-between-State-TMR-and-Council---Projects-Map)
Rotary Club of Caloundra
The Club has specific interest in Ben Bennett Park.  Councillor Bennett was our inaugural President, we have provided a picnic shelter, and have used the Park for milestone meetings.  The Club's 50th in 2004 and our 61st anniversary in 2015 are examples. Guests at our 50th included Rotary International past president Clem Renouf who continued to be a member of the RC of Nambour, who sponsored our club back in 1954 and was a close friend of Ben Bennett.  Clem initiated the Rotary project to eradicate polio.  (A couple of countries still on the "to do" list, but we are doing well)
Rotary's focus to date with the Wildlife Preservation Society was to lobby for management of the construction of the project such that any collateral damage to the park was minimised.
The Park conserves a transect of natural vegetation from ridge down to wallum plain.
Roger's Thoughts
As a conservation architect, my personal concerns were that there will be impact in a number of areas including the “backstreets” of Mayes Estate, the RSL Memorial Gardens, Pumicestone Creek, the row of post WW2 houses in Omrah Ave in addition to Ben Bennett Park. I acknowledge that none of these places are contained in Council's Heritage List.
I have listened to the concerns of the Ratepayers Association, who have been active in this area, and other groups including WPSQ, and new member Jim has experience in discussions with Council over design issues through OSCAR. Council has proceeded with resumptions I understand.
Pumicestone Creek may have archaeological interest. Caloundra’s underlying geology is sandstone, so when people came for the winter mullet migration, they brought in hard stone.  At the end of the last ice age, when sea levels rose 150m, coastal people retreated back to the current coastline.  There was a Bora Ring in what is now Leeding Tce.
The Kabi Kabi consider Caloundra to be disturbed ground and the evidence not significant.  We may never get a full picture of how they lived, but what we can get is, I believer, important.  Subject to Kabi Kabi approval, there may be scope for some archaeological investigation if a scoping study confirms my suspicions.
The active active transport network could have been better considered, with pedestrian and cycling routes were planned to mirror the vehicle routes, whereas these users may prefer non road environments. The link to the industrial estate is useful, but the safety of an influx of bikes and small electric vehicles within the estate's existing road environment will need consideration. I agree with the concept of separating bike and pedestrian traffic. A study of desire lines for active transport to nodes such as the three schools in the area was needed.
Jim has been pushing for more adoption of telecommuting and car sharing
We share Council’s vision to have less traffic congestion, but while the population doubles every 20 years, the road network is unable to keep pace.
The Aura development was planned around a new heavy rail link into the coastal area, and its current non-delivery is impacting traffic congestion.
I think that a coastal mass transportation system, combined with heavy rail, active transport, walking, cycling inc battery driven to local stations is the most sustainable way forward.  The CCTU will assist in the interim.
Acquiring the corridor for mass transport still needs to happen. It would be sensible to consider that in the planning even though it is a longer term project. The eventual technology may be a new system, such as robotic cars travelling cooperatively.
Meeting to discuss Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade Project and Ben Bennett Park
21st December 2021 at Nambour Council Building
Ian Bennett - Rotary Club of Woombye - Palmwoods, son of Ben Bennett
Nick Bennett
Senoke Frencham
(representing three generations of the Bennett family)
Roger Todd - Rotary Club of Caloundra
Dimitri Scordalides -TMR
Paul West - TMR Design Project Manager
Nick K - Sunshine Coast Council
Guy B - Sunshine Coast Council
Trina - Community Liaison for Council
Adam Hatfield on Teams
Nick & Guy discussed the projects viability and necessity, and the project timeline from initial proposals in 2000, inclusion in the 2023 Transport Study, the 2016 Caloundra Masterplan, community feedback in 2021, detail design proposed in 2022/3, and completion in 2024
There was discussion around lack of consultation with the Bennett family.  Information on the proposal was distributed to all residents in the 4551 postcode, and unfortunately they were not included. We were however, all pleased for this opportunity.
Of those using the Nicklin Way and Caloundra Road heading for the Caloundra Centre, 40% come from the North and 60% come East along Caloundra Road.  Associated projects were discussed, including the Roys Road access to Caloundra South which would become a motorway link in due course, the Caloundra Road upgrade to six lanes east of the roundabout, Ulm St link, Queen St  There is information available on Council’s website
There was discussion about the wider issues around transport, including pedestrian and active transport, public transport, including increased utilisation, and improving efficiency through ride sharing.
Ian noted that access to Ben Bennett Park from Queen St was difficult with no queuing space, and asked that improvements be considered as part of the general roadworks improvements.
There was discussion about the signalled intersection vs a roundabout where the new road met the Nicklin Way- signalled intersections were a better option for integration with active transport.
There was discussion around the existing Energex infrastructure along the new road alignment and how that would be handled.  It was noted that detailed design would address this, and that Energex was a “separate authority”.
We discussed active transport entry to the park from the south.  Currently the design has pedestrian/bikeways to the south of the road, with consideration of a signalled pedestrian crossing, which would also cater to access from the aged care facilities.  The pedestrian/bike path could be on the northern side giving a better relationship with Ben Bennett Park, however it was likely that more of the park would then be lost. It was noted that this was subject to detailed design.  It was agreed access to the park would be low key and that formal access/parking would remain from Queen St
Wildlife issues would be subject to a future Environmental Management Plan, and that high level vs underground wildlife connections, fencing, and other issues would be addressed.  The proposals directly impact on 2% of the park.
Ian suggested that the Fourth Ave extension could be called “Ben Bennett Way” and there was general agreement that this was a good idea.
There was a discussion around cultural heritage.  Omrah Ave has a row of post WW2 cottages.
Roger discussed Pumicestone Creek, running beside Omrah in Bicentennial Park.  Besides the creek mouth, this is the only section of the creek remaining in a natural state, and not converted to an underground drain.  There is a high likelihood of archaeological evidence of traditional Aboriginal occupation.
All Australians should have an interest in Aboriginal heritage.
Community Discussion
Hi Roger
I have been given your email address by Prue.  My name is Anna, I am a resident at King's Beach, I am contacting you on behalf of Value Caloundra. We are having some events in Ben Bennett Park and Bicentennial Park to raise awareness about the road going through and damaging habitat and other impacts to the community. I was hoping you could promote the upcoming events amongst other rotary members. I have also sent this message via the 'contact us' section of the rotary website.  The first event is next week on Wednesday morning 8am-10am.
I would also like to invite anyone from the rotary group if they would like to speak at any of the upcoming events to those attending for a few minutes about the significance of the bushland park and peaceful surroundings, the legacy of conservation by Ben Bennett himself and how the road would impact on these.  If anyone is interested in doing this please let me know.
We are planning for casual events, providing an opportunity for concerned community members to meet up and learn from each other. The event on Saturday in Bicentennial Park will be more of a picnic style and we are hoping to plan a much bigger event in late January.

Please feel free to email me or contact me by phone 0402 769 601.

Kind regards,
Anna Sri

Wednesday 15 Dec 2021 | 8-10 AM
Ben Bennett Bushland (Queen St entrance)

Saturday 18 Dec 2021 | 8-10 AM
Bicentennial Park (opposite Stockland)

Thursday 27 January 2022 | 8-10 AM
Ben Bennett Bushland (Queen St entrance)
Dear Rotary Caloundra, I wonder if there might be an opportunity to speak with someone from the Rotary about the proposed highway that will run through Ben Bennet Park? .Anna Campbell
She notes the impact on local wildlife of close development
I've spoken to Anna, and the focus of her organization is active transport.  On looking at the movie, it appears that the pedestrian and cycling routes were planned to mirror the vehicle routes, whereas these users may prefer non road environments.  There was no evidence of consideration of desire lines for active transport to nodes such as the three schools in the area.
Wildlife Carer feedback notes the impact on local wildlife of close development.
Courier mail 13th Nov
From the Ratepayers Association:
Hi Everyone
Please find attached the draft Communique.  We need to work this as soon as we can, the timeframe is running out so please take a look and get back to Emma Rees, and me.  We had a final date of the 10th Oct as the doc must be submitted NLT 18 Oct.   We need as many groups and Associations on the letter as possible.    The document hits the spot really and we need as much support for it as possible. 
I am aware that the timeframe now is my fault but that now has been fixed, we think.
Regards Graeme
Caloundra Livability Alliance Draft Communique Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade (CTCU)
Value Caloundra Community agree that reducing congestion at Caloundra Road roundabout is important and therefore is not against the road in principle. However, the objective to reduce congestion must be balanced with other community and environmental values, and be consistent with the vision, values and intent outlined in the Caloundra Master Plan, and other key strategy documents.

The project needs to better address the following:

Protecting and strengthening of the values of Bicentennial Park, and Ben Bennett Park in line with key Council strategy documents and the Caloundra Master Plan intent, so that the future value of these spaces is enhanced by the project, and not degraded (as it currently appears to be).

The Sunshine Coast Council have been the trustees of Ben Bennett Bushland Park since 1969. The reserve was established due to the advocacy of Kathleen McArthur and Rotarian and Councillor, Ben Bennett. The Rotary Club Caloundra note that the park is “…. a haven of peace, only seldom abused” (Caloundra Rotary, n.d), and contains “…high biodiversity values including regional ecosystems and important habitat”. This road design is a significant departure from a legacy of preservation and protection and will severely abuse the habitat and resident species of the park.

"Quantifying the impact of a 4-lane road in the easement of the park is complex, but despite efforts to minimise impact, damage to the diverse set of ecosystems present, including (endangered) Lowland Rainforest, Melaleuca woodland, Eucalypt Woodland, and both Wet and Dry Heath, is inevitable."

The noise from the road will impact on the survival of frog, mammal, and avian species due to the negative impact of traffic noise on reproductive success and this noise can extend to a radius of up to 4km. Therefore, the road noise alone is likely to cause the exclusion of species from a habitat that has nurtured and sustained their survival.

The proposed alignment will impact on the ground water flow into the lagoon and possibly underground water table surrounding the lagoon and into the adjoining wet heath and wetland ecosystems.  Possibly also impacting on the long-term preservation of this critical habitat for native frogs (Aspland, 2021)

Road construction impacts the structure, stability, erodibility, porosity and permeability of soil and indirectly impact on the soil’s biological and chemical properties. These impacts can compromise, “…primary ecosystem function, hydrological cycles, nutrient movement and availability, and surface stability”

These soil-induced changes can affect plant growth and species diversity and composition and create an environment conducive to colonization by exotic species).

Improving the active transport connections around Caloundra, so that the vision that walking, cycling, and e-mobility become the dominant modes of transport for Caloundra residents to get around Caloundra, is brought closer to fruition.
The council claim that the CTCU will get people out of cars and promote walking and cycling (Sunshine Coast Council 2021). However, building a 4-lane road will promote car use, and make the area much less accessible for other users and impact negatively on liveability.

Theory of induced demand: Traditional traffic engineering theory is premised on the belief that, a street is congested because the numbers of drivers exceed the capacity, enlarging the street therefore eliminates congestions. Instead, 75 years of evidence demonstrates that what happens is that the numbers of drivers increase to match the increased capacity and congestion arrives in full force (induced demand)
Arterial roads are ‘pedestrian hostile’: Joe Cortright (2021), an economist explains how road infrastructure impacts on pedestrians.

"When we build a sidewalk along a busy arterial, or put in a traffic signal or some bollards, we may call it “pedestrian” infrastructure, but the only reason it’s actually needed is because of the presence and primacy of cars...any area that describes itself as a “corridor” is almost always an auto-dominated, pedestrian-hostile space, a place people travel through, rather than being in".

The design of this arterial will not provide for the needs of diverse members of the community including children, young people, the aged, the disabled, families, those unable to afford to own and run a car, and recreational users.

In a survey created to educate the Caloundra community about the road design, of 212 respondents, 63% of respondents stated that on the basis of the CTCU design, they would walk or ride less in the area.

The council promotes the 6 crossings with signals, as evidence of improved safety and amenity for pedestrians and cyclists (Sunshine Coast Council, 2021). However, the CTCU does not represent best practice for road safety because the concept design has numerous deficiencies.  The Safe System is the Nationally Endorsed approach to road safety and requires that road designers aspire to prevent crashes that could result in deaths or serious injuries. It is difficult to provide solutions on multi-lane roads, with strong pedestrian movements in perpendicular directions. The outcome will be increased delay and risk to most active transport users in this area.

The design does not meet minimum State Government road safety policy outcomes because it does not include crossings on all sides of two important intersections (Nicklin Way, Arthur St) and the design includes slip lanes. Slip lanes create an additional crossing for pedestrians and expose riders to unacceptable crash points at merge points.

The project provides high-quality pedestrian and cycle facilities in the east- west direction. However, main active transport movements are north-south. The project will make these north-south movements more difficult, with longer delays, two stage crossings and a lack of facilities on desire lines. This is likely to lead to greater safety concerns.

The design does not address desire lines around Caloundra Shopping Centre. Particularly between the bus stop on the north side of the road and the high school.
The project does not provide a pathway on the northern side of the new road through Ben Bennett Park. This creates significant severance between the park and the town. It is also means, anyone coming from the north, has to cross the new road twice (once on each side of the park).

Many of the pedestrian crossings on the new roads are two-stage crossings. Queensland research has found an average pedestrian crossing signal compliance of 84% on a single stage crossing and 48% for the second leg (DTMR, 2021). This suggests that less than half of pedestrians will wait at the new crossings. At some locations, these two stage crossings replace an existing zebra crossing.

Developing and delivering a robust community consultation process to effectively engage the broader community around:

the assessment to arrive at the concept design, including the need for 4 lanes versus 2, including in the context of other whole of system enhancements for the area
the detailed design to ensure the diverse range of needs and the best outcomes in terms of accessibility and liveability are considered as part of the detailed design.
The processes of consultation have not adequately educated and engaged the public to understand the current and desired future access to and use of the area to inform the design or understand and assess the diverse range of opinions about the design.

Sorry I have a 30000 word limit