Guest speakers were Jeremy and Zanthea from SEQ Water
Our Chair was Trevor
Our other guest was Don, soon to be a member
Chris proposed the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Djibouti Mer Rouge
Chris gets extra points by setting it up as a story on Clubrunner
Trevor thanked Secretary Sue for helping out with the EFPOS last week
and Reel editor Roger for holding off the lawyer jokes for three straight weeks
(we'll work on that Trevor)
Trevor's view of Darryl
Darryl passed on an apology from Richard for this morning’s meeting
President James delivered his report
  • Thanks to Bernie for delivering last week's report

  • Has to rush off for an 8:30 meeting in Chicago (wonders of the internet)

  • Attended the Rotary Centenary meeting on Zoom "outstanding"

  • District Conference coming up.  Next year's theme is "Serve to change lives"

  • Attended the Cluster meeting: Rotary Golf Fellowship at Maroochy River Golf Club 16-21 May entries close 16th April

  • Rotary Centenary Gala Night - Sue to email invite - numbers limited

  • RC Alex Headlands have a talk on vaccinations

  • Board meeting - Darryl is our one man Golf Committee 17.3 holes sold - thanks Darryl & Gordon

James even had some jokes for us
Did you hear about the guy who invented lifesavers? He made a mint
Did you hear about the cheese factory which exploded in France? De brie was everywhere
Why did the old man fall in the well? Because he didn't see that well
Quote from Martin Luther King Jnr
"Only in the darkness can you see the stars"
Three wise men (only kidding)
Pam introduced Jeremy and Zanthea from SEQ Water
Jeremy Bishop is an Engagement Advisor for Seqwater, the bulk water provider for South East Queensland. As part of his role, Jeremy creates strategic engagement initiatives for the Water Security Program, Seqwater’s plan to provide drinking water to the region over the next 30 years.
A native of the United States, Jeremy has lived in Australia for four years. Before arriving in Australia, Jeremy lived for more than 20 years in Washington, D.C, and worked on labour policy for eight years in the administration of President Barack Obama. (thanks Deborah)
Jeremy is from South Carolina USA and has been in Australia four years - apologies in advance for "folks" "yer all"
SEQ Water is the bulk supplier of water in SEQ and supplies Unitywater
These are challenging times to supply water, the region is expecting over 750,000 additional people by 2028, 100,000 on the Sunshine Coast
The Australian climate in unpredictable and changing - flooding, drought, getting hotter so more water needed, fires, sea levels rising pushing salt water into aquifers.
"The Grid" was introduced to cope with the Millennium Drought
Although we have had rain, Wivenhoe has missed out, and it accounts for 53% of water storage in the region
During the 2000-08 Millennium Drought, water usage went from 300 litres/day to 120.  Currently it's 167. 150 is "good"
Baroon Pocket is only 3% of the storage. The DeSal plant at Tugan GC and three recycle plants (used for power station supply) assist with supply
The Sunshine Coast is "under the average"
Zanthea spoke about the Ewen Maddock Dam, and the work being done to reinforce the 1970 dam wall (which is why the water is currently low)
Earthquake risk is an issue. They have sponsored the pool at Mooloolah State School to help offset the temporary use of the dam
Trevor and Pam thanked Jeremy and Zanthea
  • Darryl spoke about the Golf Day - 30/72 players - we will run  a BBQ on the day, but it will be a tight program - Judy got volunteered as coordinator
  • Deborah - Don is joining
  • Bernie - the old Council owned Info Centre will be leased, grants will help
Sgt Ian giving away wine vouchers
I misappropriated this from the RC Alex Headlands website
Inner  Peace:
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you  can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and  boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every  day  and be grateful for it,  If you can understand when your loved  ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and  blame without resentment, If you can conquer tension  without  medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol,   If  you can sleep without the aid of  drugs,  ……….

Then  You Are  Probably  The  Family Dog!