Chris and Kristy Paterson spoke about Bamboo Projects
From their website - Bamboo Projects is a registered charity which uses outdoor therapies to help people with mental illness, suicidal ideation and physical disabilities and anyone who is socially, emotionally and relationally isolated. We have been running community activities since 2015, using fishing and hiking activities to build connection, establish relationship, walk life with people who are struggling and offer realistic strategies and ideas to manage their mental health and interpersonal relationships more successfully.
Chair Trevor was able to use his best lawyering skills to keep the meeting under contol.
Gerry gave the international toast to RC Kabul in Afghaniston.
Armed with his list of Rotary clubs around the world, we are hopeful he will finish the Zimbabwe clubs sometime around April 2752
President Bernie welcomed Chris & Kristy
In introducing the speakers, Trevor outlined Chris' past battles with depression and alcohol.  He was able to turn his life around since his marriage and birth of their children, now 9 & 11, and Chris and Kristy have devoted their lives to helping others in similar predicaments.
Working in construction, Chris is well placed to provide assistance in a tough environment where personal issues are often not spoken about.
They have a particular interest in water based activities, and are currently $5,000 short of achieving an accessible boat.
A longer term goal is an educational centre.  Chris spoke about the restorative powers of fishing, running, meditation and breathing techniques, as well as the need to let go of materialistic things.
In August, Chris is planning to run around Australia to promote Bamboo Projects.
Trevor thanked  Chris and Kristy, and Bernie made sure they left a little closer to funding their boat project
Director's reports included Megyn giving a run down of future meeting topics, and Deborah gave a financial report.
 By his own admission, Merv's sergeant's session was "all lies"