Sergeant Richard introduced Chair for the Day Mark

Mark introduced Guest Speaker Mark (funny echo there) who will be more formally introduced later
The International toast To was to the Rotary Club of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Thanks for the photos Dave

President Deborah is looking to fill a table of eight for the ROMAC Trivia Challenge.
We heard later that the black and gold elegant fundraiser on the 8th Feb was cancelled
“Unfortunately we have to cancel the Australian Rotary Health Function, due to lack of response. We only received 22 guests including our club and a couple from other clubs. The invitation was sent around to our clubs on the Sunshine Coast. DG Sue would have been in attendance. The Golf Club requires around 40 guests to be viable and of course our two excellent speakers deserve a better audience”

Pam introduced Mark
He is from our daughter Club, Cal Pac, otherwise known as the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific
"Looking forward to hearing from him”
Mark began his professional live in 1983 in Toowoomba
But the practice got to be too big and in 2013 he decided to sea change back to a small practice at Golden Beach with his son.
Hearing loss impacts communication and consequently is the beginning of many health issues including falls and dementia
One in six Australians has hearing problems, and with our ageing demographic is a demographic tsunami. Hearing loss has three major categories.
- Conductive, which mostly can be fixed - includes wax and middle ear infection and calcification
- Nerve damage - for instance from industrial noise
- And a combination of both former problems
As ageing progresses, cochlear function decreases, with hearing aids required and cochlear implants in the worst cases

We know that dementia progresses 40% faster for those with hearing loss
Why? Because the brain is not stimulated and people with hearing loss have social isolation
Sally – talking to "different" people
What to do?
Over 65’s need to be tested every two years
What to do?
Over 65’s need to be tested every two years
Mark noted that general practitioners don't seem to discuss it if it “doesn't hurt” or “doesn’t bleed
If one person in the family has hearing loss, the whole family has a hearing problem.
Australia has one of the best treatment processes in place in the world – "free “
NDIS – "was going to be great
NDIS – "was going to be great
"Commodification" of hearing loss is an issue – the biggest supplier is from a big Italian company "Amplify" “Attune”
Don't hide hearing loss
Don't treat it as a "bad" thing
Don't eat hearing aids
Don't treat it as a "bad" thing
Don't eat hearing aids

Elaine noted that in rural areas tractors were a big problem. However this is improving. Loud music is also a problem
Cotton gins are noisy
Cotton gins are noisy
Often worse hearing loss on one side due to tractors
Elaine noted that in rural areas tractors were a big problem. However this is improving.
LOUD MUSIC is also a problem. Cotton gins are “noisy”.
Often worse hearing loss on one side only due to tractors?
Drivers look around to check their work, and the exhaust is in front of them
Drivers look around to check their work, and the exhaust is in front of them
Loss of Neuroplasticity – ageing “- processing of sound becomes a problem
Someone, not to be identified, told us her partner is "in denial”
Judy asked about ongoing costs – generally low – get a second opinion
Richard ask about tinnitus – the cochlea has about 16 to 18,000 tiny hairs. These can die or become permanently turned on.
Sue asked about symptoms of Meniere’s disease – fluid pressure, therefore dizzy with vertigo plus tinnitus
Chris said that a gluten-free diet was good for Meniere’s

Mark thanked Mark
Elaine – vocational visits.
Next week we have a financial advisor
Next week we have a financial advisor
Elder Australian of the year
Rotary Club of Scarborough in Western Australia sent wheelchairs to 61 countries –
3/4 of Australian are vitamin D deficient- symptoms of backache, Harch anxiety, fatigue and weariness.
Chris – bicycles to the Gold Coast 1500 wheelchairs were made.
Sergeant Richard
Roster quality.
Yesterday he averted a death in the passage – his own
They were across from the Power boat club with their two little dogs on the boat.
"give them a swim” - and you can guess what happened next, much to the amusement of fellow boaties
They were across from the Power boat club with their two little dogs on the boat.
"give them a swim” - and you can guess what happened next, much to the amusement of fellow boaties
& Saltwater and Dogs don't mix apparently - try feeding them the pink seaweed from Moffat - works for cows

Thanks Chris