Causes We Support

Young People

Caloundra Rotary - like Rotary Clubs across Australia - sponsors young people in the development of skills in the areas of communication, leadership, road safety education and driver awareness, resilience and self esteem and in furthering their career aspirations in the areas of mathematics and science.
Our President Elect, Bernadette Strong plans a particular emphasis on Youth and Young People during 2018-19. Learn more about Bernie's plans here.
Bursaries and Scholarships
School Scholarships
ur club is providing bursaries to local Primary and High School students - and has done for more than five years.

Annual commitment : $1,650 covering 11 students
Rotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund - RUSCCF

RUSCCF is the vehicle under which scholarships are awarded annually to post-graduate students who have completed their initial undergraduate degree, and are enrolled in postgraduate studies at USC at either Masters or Doctorate level.
A scholarship is awarded annually to one postgraduate student in each Faculty. A third scholarship recipient is nominated by the University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research.
Caloundra Rotary's annual commitment : $1,000
Road Safety Education
The RYDA road safety education program is delivered to local High School students by the Rotary Club of Caloundra as part of the Caloundra Road Safety Education program which is a joint effort of four Rotary clubs in the area – the Rotary Clubs of Caloundra, Caloundra Pacific, Glasshouse Mountains, and Kawana Waters.
RYDA is designed for 16-18 year old students who are approaching that crucial time in their lives where they start to drive independently or are travelling as passengers of novice drivers. The program is free of cost to students.
RYDA has been conducted on the Sunshine Coast since 2009, delivering the program to 8,333 students from 12 schools. 10,000 Sunshine Coast High School students will have attended the RYDA course by the end of 2019.
Caloundra Rotary commits its members as volunteers to help in the smooth running of each RYDA Day and contributes $1,000 a year to the Caloundra program
Rotary Youth Exchange Program

Rotary Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to experience people and other cultures and promote international understanding and peace.
The purpose of the Rotary Youth Exchange program is to build bridges of friendship and understanding among people of the world. We accomplish this by providing opportunities for high school students to live for a year in a foreign country and learn to assimilate into the country’s culture and language.
Acting as ambassadors of goodwill while they are on exchange, the students live with two or more appropriate host families during the exchange period and attend high school or pre-university schooling.

For inbound students, Caloundra Rotary is responsible for finding host families and arranging for schooling, in addition to providing the student with a monthly allowance to help offset the cost of school lunches and other regular expenses. The student attends our regular meetings at least once a month as a guest, and is involved in club activities, including community and social events.
Outbound students represent our club in their host club, attend one or two meetings before and after their exchange, and send their news back to us to share with club members.
Estimated commitment by Caloundra Rotary: $2,200
Science Programs
National Youth Science Forum - NYSF

Caloundra Rotary's commitment : two students being sponsored at $1,500 each
ConocoPhillips Science Experience
ConocoPhillips Science Experience is a fun 3 or 4 days of science activities for Year 9 and 10 students.
Each program is designed to provide students who have an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work. It provides information for students about further studies in science, technology and engineering highlighting the wide range of careers available in the sciences.
Caloundra Rotary is looking to sponsor students : commitment $260 a student
Leadership Training
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - RYLA

RYLA offers an exciting combination of energetic team leaders, motivational speakers, self-development workshops, and hours of interaction and fun. Awardees take a week away from their usual work or study and are given a real opportunity to step out of their ‘comfort zone’ and push beyond their personal boundaries in a friendly and supportive environment. The life tools, confidence and personal development gained are invaluable to the individual participants and are qualities that can be taken out of RYLA and back into daily life and work.
Caloundra Rotary is proud to sponsor one young adult to RYLA in 2018 - Commitment $850 a student. If you want to help us fund another student, our GoFundMe page will help you do so.
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment - RYPEN

RYPEN aims to provide young people with the opportunity to develop their potential and self-esteem, provide experiences that will assist them to form their own values and moral standards, to broaden their cultural, social and academic horizons. The program will push students to develop their leadership skills so that they can excel in their field.
Caloundra Rotary is proud to again sponsor two children to RYPEN in 2018 - Commitment $250 a student.
Introducing the concept of Service

In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. From big cities to rural villages, Rotaract is changing communities like yours.
Presently on the Sunshine Coast, there is one club - Sunshine Coast Rotaract - based at the Sippy Downs Campus of the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Early Act

In Australia, Earlyact operates as a voluntary club from Years 4 to 7 (ages 9 to 12).
The mission of Earlyact™ is to promote goodwill, understanding and peace through the active participation of its student members so that with the committed citizenship and effective leadership they may improve the quality of life of their school, local and global communities.
The mission and operation of EarlyAct™ are closely linked to the ideals of Rotary and provide the foundation and natural succession into Interact into High School.

“It takes a village to raise a child”

Instead of attending mainstream classes, the STEMM curriculum provides a program tailored around their educational, social, physical and emotional needs in a non-judgmental environment. The program currently has 40 girls participating in this unique educational avenue.
The STEMM program currently runs four days per week from Monday – Thursday. STEMM is located in one building incorporating a teaching classroom (with computer access) and two rooms which operate as adjunct care facilities for the babies and children. This is supported by Playground Australia and the wonderful volunteers who support the girls and bring valuable life skills to the program.
The young mums and their babies can be transported to and from the program in the eleven seater bus purchased through funds raised in 2010.
Caloundra Rotary has been a supporter since 2011.
Rotary and its Partners
Rotary is dedicated to six areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever:
- Promoting peace
- Fighting disease
- Providing clean water
- Saving mothers and children
- Supporting education
- Growing local economies
Rotary unites leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations to exchange ideas and take action in communities around the world. Through Rotary clubs and Global Partnerships, Rotary connects lives and drives positive change.
The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through grant-funded humanitarian projects, scholarships, and activities, such as vocational training teams.
It is Our Foundation and is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends who share its vision of a better world.
As the charitable arm of Rotary, The Rotary Foundation taps into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact.
Polio Plus

We are partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to provide medicare and aid to those in need.
Worldwide we have donated over one billion dollars to providing education, immunisations, and healthcare to wipe out this deadly disease.
PolioPlus is a far reaching organisation, dedicated to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Rotary is a leader in the private sector, seeking to rid the world of Polio. This crippling disease has plagued humanity for over 30 years. PolioPlus is setting a standard worldwide as the strongest model of public-private cooperation as we pursue a humanitarian goal.
Australian Rotary Health

Australian Rotary Health is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia. It also provides funding into a broad range of general health areas, provides scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Australian Rotary Health provides funding into areas of health that do not readily attract funding, and promotes findings to the community. Australian Rotary Health is supported by a number of Rotary Clubs in Australia. It has a broad vision to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians.

Each year approximately 1-in-5 Australians will experience a mental illness and in order to help future generations of young Australians, we need to look ahead through research and find out how we can prevent this type of illness occurring.
Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children - ROMAC

ROMAC provides specialist treatment for children, from developing countries, in the form of life saving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home country, providing hope and restoring dignity to transform a child’s life by providing the best possible surgical and medical expertise.
ROMAC is giving life to around 50 children every year – and making a huge difference in the lives of these small island countries.
Caloundra Rotary commits a minimum of $500 a year to ROMAC.

ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and supplies to assist survivors immediately after a disaster.
Rotary works with ShelterBox in all phases of disaster relief: identifying regions that need support, volunteering in relief efforts, facilitating meetings with government officials and relief agencies, and funding supplies. Rotary can also help with logistics, including customs clearance; house deployed teams; arrange transportation; and offer language interpretation.
Caloundra Rotary has donated $5,000 to ShelterBox over the last two years
Recognising Vocational Excellence
The Pride of Workmanship recognition enables managers in our society to help employees achieve the goal of job satisfaction, and publicly recognise them for their efforts.
Participating businesses promote the Pride of Workmanship theme of 'Do it once - do it well' throughout their organisation and nominate employees worthy of recognition, not only within the organisation, but the wider community.
Caloundra Rotary encourages local businesses to submit nominations for our annual Pride of Workmanship awards
Standby Response Service

StandBy – Support After Suicide is a community-based suicide postvention program that provides a coordinated response of support and assistance for people who have been exposed to or bereaved through suicide. Suicide is a time of immense crisis and the tragedy of suicide loss can create trauma – deeply affecting individuals, families and entire communities.
Its presence on the Sunshine Coast is a valuable resource that Caloundra Rotary has been pleased to support in a major way during 2017-18.
The Happy Community Network

Dicky Beach Happy Community Network has been established to promote Dicky Beach as a sustainable Happy Community.
It supports the annual Japanese Festival which Caloundra Rotary partly sponsors.
Annual commitment $1,000
Our Major Projects

Caloundra Rotary members are always looking for ways to be involved in our local Caloundra community in order to assist others. Share your ideas with us.
We also look to improve lives in communities around the world.
A list of our current projects may be viewed here.

The Sunshine Coast community alone identifies 5,000 at risk children every year. SunnyKids provides thousands of nights of emergency accommodation, and partners with health, education and child protection agencies to keep these kids safe.
SunnyKids Vision is: "A society in which everyone feels safe, belongs and has a chance to reach their full potential".
We are proud to have been able to raise over $40,000 over the last three years for SunnyKids and other causes supported by the Rotary Club of Caloundra.